Impact of biophilic elements on the design of urban rivers using the Sowt model (Case study: Balkhloo river in Ardabil)

Document Type : Thesis


1 Master student of urban design, urban design, Islamic Azad, Ardabil branch, Ardabil, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Urban Design, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil Branch, Ardabil, Iran



The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of biophilic design elements on the design of urban rivers that are designed according to nature and naturalism and biophilic principles. Biophilic is the inherent biological connection of man with nature that is formed in the urban space and is manifested in different forms of form, function and meaning. According to the research method and in order to achieve the goal, the main research question is as follows; How to design a city that meets the needs of human naturalism? In order to answer the questions, the bed of the plan has been studied and the biophilic elements and its impact on the design of urban rivers have been studied using the characteristics of the urban urban space. The research method is descriptive-analytical that the knowledge and analysis of the subject is done using library and field studies to identify the Balkhloo river. The results obtained in the process of studies indicate that the design of urban rivers as a strong natural capacity for design in cities and are examples of clean, safe, fun and economically efficient space.


Main Subjects

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